Churches of the Day
Pictorial Thought for Today
![Pictorial Thought for Today](
Feb 18 - St Colman (605-676)
was born, probably in Connacht, in the West of Ireland, around 605 and became a monk on Whitby. Here he defended the Celtic ritual practices at the Synod of Whitby, but when the decision was that Roman practice would prevail for the sake of unity, he resigned and went first to Iona and then to Inishbofin, Co Galway. He probably was among the group of monks that went with St Aidan to Lindisfarne in 635. On the death of Aidan's successor, St Fionán, as abbot-bishop of Lindisfarne, Colman became its third abbot-bishop.
Patrick Duffy tells his story.
Third abbot-bishop of Lindisfarne
![colman 2](
Synod of Whitby (663/4)
At this time the before mentioned differences between the Celtic and Roman ritual practices, especially about Easter and about the tonsure, were coming to a critical stage with Wilfrid, returned from the continent, now the articulate leader of the faction favouring the Roman method of calculating Easter. This had been introduced earlier by Paulinus and the second group of monks that came to Kent from Rome in 601.
Resignation: return to Iona and Ireland
Colman resigned his abbacy-bishopric and retired, first to Iona and then to Inishbofin off the Connacht coast. All the Irish monks went with him and thirty of the English. But the two groups within the community disagreed, the English complaining that the Irish monks went wandering, preaching around the country and that all the harvest work was left to them. Colman then made a separate foundation for the English monks at what came to be called "Mayo of the Saxons". Its first abbot was an Englishman, St Gerald of Mayo, who lived till 732. See 13th March.
Death and memory
Colman died in comparative obscurity probably around 676. Bede praised the new Irish monastery of the Anglo-Saxon monks, especially the fact that the abbots of Mayo were elected, rather than following Celtic custom as a "hereditary" monastery, but studiously avoided reference to Colman and the Irish monks.
Memorable Proverbs for today
“Our souls are not hungry for fame, comfort, wealth, or power.
Our souls are hungry for meaning and simplicity,
“If one's life is simple, contentment has to come.
~ Harold Kushner ~
Tuesday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle 1
Noah had found favour with the Lord for he was a good person.
A reading from the Book of Genesis 6:5-8;7:1-5, 10
I will rid the earth's face of man, my own creation.
The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that the thoughts in his heart fashioned nothing but wickedness all day long. The Lord regretted having made man on the earth, and his heart grieved.
'I will rid the earth's face of man, my own creation,' the Lord said 'and of animals also, reptiles too, and the birds of heaven;
for I regret having made them.'
But Noah had found favour with the Lord. This is the story of Noah:
'Go aboard the ark, you and all your household, for you alone among this generation do I see as a good man in my judgement.
Of all the clean animals you must take seven of each kind, both male and female; of the unclean animals you must take two, a male and its female (and of the birds of heaven also, seven of each kind, both male and female), to propagate their kind over the whole earth. For in seven days' time I mean to make it rain on the earth for forty days and nights, and I will rid the earth of every living thing that I made.'
Noah did all that the Lord ordered.
Seven days later the waters of the flood appeared on the earth.
The Word of the Lord Thanks be to God
Responsorial Psalm Ps 28
Response The Lord will bless his people with peace.
1. O give the Lord you sons of God, give the Lord glory and power;
give the Lord the glory of his name. Adore the Lord in his holy court. Response
2 The Lord's voice resounding on the waters, the Lord on the immensity of waters;
the voice of the Lord, full of power, the voice of the Lord, full of splendour. Response
3 The God of glory thunders. In his temple they all cry: 'Glory!'
The Lord sat enthroned over the flood; the Lord sits as king for ever. Response
Gospel Acclamation Acts 16: 14
Alleluia, alleluia!
Open our heart, O Lord, to accept the words of your Son.
Or Jn 14:23
Alleluia, alleluia!
If anyone loves me he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him.
The Lord be with you And with your spirit
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark 8:14-21 Glory to you, O Lord
Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod'
The disciples had forgotten to take any food and they had only one loaf with them in the boat.
Then Jesus gave them this warning,
'Keep your eyes open; be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod'.
And they said to one another, 'It is because we have no bread'.
And Jesus knew it, and he said to them,
'Why are you talking about having no bread?
Do you not yet understand?
Have you no perception?
Are your minds closed?
Have you eyes that do not see, ears that do not hear?
Or do you not remember? When I broke the five loaves among the five thousand,
how many baskets full of scraps did you collect?'
They answered, 'Twelve'.
'And when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many baskets full of scraps did you collect?'
And they answered, 'Seven'.
Then he said to them, 'Are you still without perception?'
The Gospel of the Lord Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Gospel Reflection Tuesday Sixth Week in Ordinary Time Mark 8:14–21
Today’s gospel reading is unusual for the number of questions that Jesus asks his disciples. They are all asked in desperation. It seems as if Jesus is almost ready to give up on his disciples. He has invested a great deal in them, and, yet, they don’t seem to be making any progress. Jesus asks them ‘Do you not yet understand?’ His questions go on to suggest that their minds are closed, that they don’t see with their eyes or hear with their ears, that they are without perception. He speaks like a frustrated teacher who just can’t seem to get through to his pupils. Jesus may have been tempted to give up on his disciples, but he didn’t. They would go on to disappoint him in a much more dramatic fashion in the hour of his passion and death, deserting him when he needed them. Yet, it was to these same disciples that Jesus as risen Lord appeared, commissioning them to go forth in his name to preach the gospel. Today’s gospel reading suggests that there is hope for us all. We often get it wrong in our following of the Lord.
Like the disciples in the gospel reading we can be slow to perceive and understand what he is showing us. We can be attracted and seduced by our own wrong desires, failing to stand firm when our faith is put to the test. Yet, the Lord remains faithful to us. As long as we are seeking him, the Lord will not give up on us. In a sense, we are all he has and he needs us. If the Lord does not give up on us, we must resist the temptation to give up on ourselves, especially in those times when we feel we are falling short of where we could be.
The scripture readings are taken from The Jerusalem Bible, published by Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd and used with the permission of the publishers.
The Gospel reflection comes to us with thanks from Reflections on the Weekday Readings You have the Words of Eternal life: by Martin Hogan and published by Messenger Publications c/f
Sliocht as Leabhar Geinesis 6:5-8; 7:1-5. 10
Scriosfaidh mé de dhroim na talún an duine a chruthaigh mé.
Chonaic an Tiarna gurbh éachtach é olc an duine ar an talamh agus nach raibh thaibhreamh dó ina smaointe de shíor ach an t-olc. Ghabh aithreachas an Tiarna de bhrí go ndearna sé an duine ar an talamh agus ghoill sé air ó chroí.
Agus dúirt an Tiarna:
“Scriosfaidh mé de dhroim na talún an duine a chruthaigh mé, agus mar aon leis an duine na hainmhithe, na péisteanna agus éanlaith an aeir, óir is aithreach liom a ndéanamh.” Bhí gnaoi an Tiarna ar Naoi.
“Gabh isteach san áirc, tusa agus do theaghlach go léir, óir is tú amháin den ghlúin seo, i mo bhreithse, a fheicim atá fíréanta. Beir leat de na hainmhithe glana seacht gcúpla, an fireann agus an baineann, de gach cineál; agus de na hainmhithe neamhghlana cúpla, fireannach agus baineannach; agus d’éanlaith an aeir chomh maith seacht gcúpla, an fireann agus an baineann, de gach cineál, d’fhonn a gcineál a choimeád beo ar chlár na talún. Óir faoi chionn seacht lá seolfaidh mé uiscí ar talamh ar feadh daichead lá agus daichead oíche; agus scriosfaidh mé gach dúil bheo dá ndearna de chlár na talún.”
Agus rinne Naoi ar ordaigh an Tiarna dó.
Agus tar éis seacht lá tháinig uiscí na díleann ar an talamh.
Briathar an Tiarna Buíochas le Dia
Salm le Freagra Sm 28
Freagra: Beannóidh an Tiarna a phobal le síocháin.
1. Tugaigí don Tiarna, a chlann mhac Dé, tugaigí don Tiarna glóir agus cumhacht!
Tugaigí don Tiarna an ghlóir is díol dá ainm; tugaigí adhradh don Tiarna in éide naofa. Freagra
2. Tá glór an Tiarna ar an uisce, tá an Tiarna os cionn na n-uiscí móra.
Tá glór an Tiarna go cumasach, tá glór an Tiarna go maorga. Freagra
3. Tá Dia na glóire ag toirneach, luintear “Glóir!” ó gach aon neach ina theampall.
Tá an Tiarna ina rí os cionn na díleann. Tá an Tiarna ina rí go brách. Freagra
Go raibh an Tiarna libh. Agus le do spiorad féin
Sliocht as Soiscéal naofa de réir Naomh Marcas 8:14-21 Glóir duit a Thiarna.
Bígí aireach agus seachnaígí sibh féin ar ghabháil na bhFairisíneach agus Héaróid.
“Bígí aireach agus seachnaígí sibh féin ar ghabháil na bhFairisíneach agus ar ghabháil Héaróid.”
Agus bhí siadsan ag plé an scéil le chéile: 'Nach raibh aon arán acu.'
Bhí a fhios ag Íosa agus dúirt sé leo:
“Cén fáth a bhfuil sibh ag plé an scéil gan arán a bheith agaibh?
Nach bhfuil tuiscint agaibh fós nó meabhair?
An bhfuil bhur gcroí dúr?
Cé go bhfuil súile agaibh, an ea nach bhfeiceann sibh,
agus cé go bhfuil cluasa agaibh an ea nach gcluineann sibh?
Agus nach cuimhin libh, nuair a bhris mé na cúig builíní don chúig mhíle, cé mhéad ciseán lán de bhruscar a thóg sibh suas?”
Dúirt siad: “Dhá cheann déag.”
“Agus na seacht gcinn don cheithre mhíle, cé mhéad cléibhín lán de bhruscar a thóg sibh?”
Dúirt siad: “Seacht gcinn.”
Agus dúirt sé leo: “Nach dtuigeann sibh fós?”
Soiscéal an Tiarna. Moladh duit, a Chriost
© An Sagart
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
The followers of Jesus are to strive to be as merciful as God is merciful
A reading from the first book of the Prophet Samuel 26: 2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23
God has put you in my power, but I would not raise my hand against the Lord's anointed.
Saul set off and went down to the wilderness of Ziph, accompanied by three thousand men chosen from Israel to search for David in the wilderness of Ziph. Soon o in the dark David and Abishai made their way towards the force, where they found Saul lying asleep inside the camp, his spear stuck in the ground beside his head, with Abner and the troops lying round him.
Then Abishai said to David,
Today God has put your enemy in your power; so now let me pin him to the ground with his own spear.
One stroke! I will not need to strike him twice.'
David answered Abishai,
'Do not kill him, for who can lift his hand against the Lord's' anointed and be without guilt?
David took the spear and the pitcher of water from beside Saul's head, and they made off.
No one saw, no one knew, no one woke up; they were all asleep, for a deep sleep from the Lord had fallen on them.
David crossed to the other side and halted on the top of the mountain a long way off;
there was a wide space between them. David then called out,
'Here is the king's spear. Let one of the soldiers come across and take it.
The Lord repays everyone for his uprightness and loyalty.
Today the Lord put you in my power, but I would not raise my hand against the Lord's anointed.
The Word of the Lord Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Ps 102
Response The Lord is compassion and love.
1. My soul, give thanks to the Lord, all my being, bless his holy name.
My soul, give thanks to the Lord and never forget all his blessings. Response
2. It is he who forgives all your guilt, who heals everyone of your ills,
who redeems your life from the grave, who crowns you with love and compassion. Response
3. The Lord is compassion and love, slow to anger and rich in mercy.
He does not treat us according to our sins nor repay us according to our faults. Response
4. As far as the east is from the west so far does he remove our sins.
As a father has compassion on his sons, the Lord has pity on those who fear him. Response
A reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians 15: 45-49
We who have been modelled on the earthly man, will be modelled on the heavenly man.
The first man, Adam, as scripture says, became a living soul;
That is, first the one with the soul, not the spirit, and after that, the one with the spirit.
The first man, being from the earth, is earthly by nature; the second man is from heaven.
As this earthly man was, so are we on earth; and as the heavenly man is, so are we in heaven.
And we, who have been modelled on the earthly man, will be modelled on the heavenly man.
The Word of the Lord Thanks be to God.
Gospel Acclamation Acts 16: 14
Alleluia, alleluia!
Open our heart, O Lord, to accept the words of your Son.
Or Lk 6: 23
Alleluia, alleluia!
I give you a new commandment: love one another; just as I have loved you, says the Lord
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke 6: 27-38
Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate.
Jesus said to his disciples:
'But I say this to you who are listening: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who treat you badly.
To the man who slaps you on one cheek, present the other cheek too;
to the man who takes your cloak from you, do not refuse your tunic.
Give to everyone who asks you, and do not ask for your property back from the man who robs you.
Treat others as you would like them to treat you.
If you love those who love you, what thanks can you expect? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what thanks can you expect? For even sinners do that much. And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what thanks can you expect? Even sinners lend to sinners to get back the same amount. Instead, love your enemies and do good, and lend without any hope of return. You will have a great reward, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he himself is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.
'Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate.
Do not judge, and you will not be judged yourselves; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned yourselves;
grant pardon, and you will be pardoned.
Give, and there will be gifts for you: a full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap; because the amount you measure out is the amount you will be given back.'
The Gospel of the Lord Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
For homily resources for this Sunday's Gospel click here:
Taken from THE JERUSALEM BIBLE, published and copyright 1966, by Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd and Doubleday, a division of Random House Inc, and used by permission of the publishers.
Sliocht as céad Leabhar Sameuil, Fáidh. 26:2, 7-9; 12-13; 22-23
Thug an Tiarna do namhaid i do láimh duit inniu! Ach ní shínfinn mo lámh in aghaidh fhear ungtha an Tiarna.
D’imigh Sól dá bhrí sin agus síos leis go fásach Zíf agus trí mhíle fear tofa as Iosrael aige chun Dáiví a chuardach i bhfásach Zíf. D'imigh Dáiví agus Aibísí leo sa dorchadas dá bhrí sin chun an airm agus fuaireadar Sól ansiúd ina chodladh sa champa, a shleá sáite sa talamh ag a cheann agus Aibneár agus an t-arm ina luí timpeall air.
Ansin dúirt Aibísí le Dáiví:
“Thug an Tiarna do namhaid i do láimh duit inniu!
Déanfaidh mé é a shá go talamh le hiarracht dá shleá féin!
Aon iarracht amháin air, ní bhuailfidh mé an dara ceann.”
Ach d’fhreagair Dáiví Aibísí:
“Ná maraigh é! Óir cé d’fhéadfadh a lámh a shíneadh in aghaidh fhear ungtha an Tiarna, agus ciontacht a sheachaint?
Thóg Dáiví an tsleá agus an crúsca uisce a bhí taobh le ceann Shóil agus d’imigh leis. Ní bhfuair aon duine radharc súl ná clos cluas ar ar tharla, ná níor dhúisigh aon duine; bhíodar go léir ina gcodladh mar thit codladh trom ón Tiarna orthu.
Ghabh Dáiví anonn go dtí an taobh eile agus stad sé ar bharr an chnoic i bhfad ó bhaile; bhí spás mór eatarthu.
Agus d’fhreagair Dáiví:
“Seo sleá an rí anseo. Tagadh duine de na saighdiúirí anall agus beireadh sé leis í. Cúitíonn an Tiarna a fhíréantacht agus a dhílse le gach duine. Thug an Tiarna thú i mo láimh dom inniu ach ní shínfinn mo lámh in aghaidh fhear ungtha an Tiarna.
Briathar an Tiarna Buíochas le Dia
Salm le Freagra Sm 102
Freagra Is grámhar trócaireach é an Tiarna.
I. Gabh buíochas leis an Tiarna, a anam liom, beannaíodh a bhfuil istigh ionam a ainm naofa.
Gabh buíochas leis an Tiarna, a anam liom, agus ná déan dearmad dá thíolaicí go léir. Freagra
2. Eisean a mhaitheann do chionta go léir, a shlánaíonn d'easláintí go léir,
a fhuasclaíonn do bheatha ón mbás, a chorónaíonn thú le grá is le trua. Freagra
3. Is grámhar trócaireach é an Tiarna, foighneach agus lán de cheansacht.
Ní de réir ár bpeacaí a roinneann sé linn: ní de réir ár gcionta a chuitíonn sé sinn. Freagra
4. Ní faide an t-oirthear ón iarthar ná an fad a chuireann sé ár gcionta uainn.
Amhail is trua leis an athair a chlann is trua leis an Tiarna lucht a eaglaithe. Freagra
Briathar an Tiarna Buíochas le Dia
Sliocht as céad Litir Naomh Pól chuig na Coirintigh 15:45-49
Mar atá scríofa:
“Rinneadh anam beo den chéad duine, Ádhamh.”
Sea, agus rinne spiorad a bheonn den dara hÁdhamh. Ach ní hé an rud osnádúrtha is túisce a bhí ann ach an rud nádúrtha agus an rud osnádúrtha ina dhiaidh.
Is ó chré na talún a tháinig an chéad duine agus é talmhaí ach is ó neamh an dara duine. Bíonn na daoine talmhaí ar aon dul leis an duine úd a tháinig ón talamh, agus bíonn na daoine neamhaí ar aon dul leis an duine úd ó neamh. Agus faoi mar a ghlacamar cló an duine thalmhaí orainn, [glacaimis] cló an duine neamhaí orainn chomh maith.
Briathar an Tiarna Buíochas le Dia
Alleluia Véarsa Eo 13:34
Alleluia, alleluia!
Tá aithne nua á tabhairt agam daoibh, go dtabharfadh sibh grá dá chéile
Faoi mar a thug mise grá daoibhse, seo a dúirt and Tiarna
Go raibh an Tiarna libh. Agus le do spiorad féin
Sliocht as Soiscéal naofa de réir Naomh Lúc. 6:27-38 Glóir duit, a Thiarna.
Bígí sibhse atruach amhail mar atá bhur nAthair atruach.
Dúirt Íosa lena dheisceabail:
“Ach deirim libhse atá ag éisteacht liom: bíodh grá agaibh do bhur naimhde, déanaigí an mhaith dóibh seo a thugann fuath daoibh, beannaígí iad seo a thugann mallacht daoibh, guígí orthu seo a dhéanann olc oraibh. An té a bhuaileann ar an leiceann tú, tabhair an leiceann eile leis chomh maith; agus an té a thógann uait do bhrat, ná coinnigh uaidh do chóta.
Gach aon duine a iarrann aisce ort, tabhair dó í, agus an té a bhaineann díot do chuid, ná hiarr ar ais uaidh é. Dé réir mar ab áil libh daoine a dhéanamh daoibh, déanaigí dóibh sin mar an gcéanna.
Má thugann sibh grá dóibh seo a thugann grá daoibh, cad é an buíochas atá oraibh? Óir tugann na peacaigh féin grá dóibh seo a thugann grá dóibh. Agus má dhéanann sibh an mhaith dóibh seo a dhéanann an mhaith daoibh, cad é an buíochas atá oraibh? Déanann na peacaigh féin an rud céanna. Agus má thugann sibh iasacht dóibh seo gur dóigh mhaith agaibh iad, cad é an buíochas atá oraibh? Fiú amháin peacaigh, tugann siad iasacht do pheacaigh chun go bhfaighidís an oiread céanna ar ais. Ach bíodh grá agaibh do bhur naimhde, déanaigí an mhaith agus tugaigí iasacht gan súil le cúiteamh ar bith, agus is mór é bhur dtuarastal, agus beidh sibh in bhur gclann don Té is Airde, óir bíonn seisean lách le daoine díomaíocha agus le drochdhaoine.
Bígí sibhse atruach amhail mar atá bhur nAthair atruach. Ná tugaigí breith agus ní thabharfar breith oraibh. Ná daoraigí agus ní dhaorfar sibh. Maithigí agus maithfear daoibh. Tugaigí agus tabharfar daoibh: tomhas maith, fuinte, craite, cruachta a chuirfear chugaibh in bhur n-ucht; óir is leis an tomhas lena dtomhaiseann sibh a thomhaisfear chugaibh ar ais.”
Soiscéal an Tiarna. Moladh duit, a Chriost
© An Sagart