Churches of the Day
Pictorial Thought for Today
Jan 17 - St Anthony of Egypt, (2) Third Century)
Anthony is regarded as the founder of the monastic life although he did not create a monastery himself,
Fr John Murray PP profiles him here and gives us some hints how we can follow his footsteps.
Many centuries ago, when people first began to reflect about life, one wise man told a story about a cave and those who dwelt inside it. At the cave's entrance there was a fire, and those who dwelt in the cave had the fire at their backs with the result that all they saw was their own shadows thrown up on to the wall they faced. This was reality for them: these images without substance, mere shadows.
In time, there were some who had enough courage to look round and realise that the fire caused the shadows; but a lot of darkness remained, and things were not yet clear. Eventually one man went beyond the cave into the daylight, and he saw the sun. Needless to say, he could not maintain his gaze for long, but he came to know that this was what gave light to everything around, and he rejoiced in this knowledge.
Seeing the light
The saints are those who venture out of the cave and look at the sun. They are not afraid of its light. Whereas most people cannot stand too much reality, these men and women know that they cannot stay for ever in the cave with its shadows and false images. Something inside drives them to seek the warmth and light of the sun. St. Anthony of Egypt was one man who was not afraid to venture out of the cave and face reality. There were three key moments in his life when he did this; but first a few details about his life and culture.
Anthony was born in the year 251 at a village near Memphis in upper Egypt. His parents were Christian and well-to-do. When they died - he was only twenty years of age - he found himself in possession of a large estate and with the care of a younger sister.
Treasure in heaven
Then came the first moment of reality, when he heard the words of the gospel, 'Go, sell what you have and give it to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven'. That is exactly what he did. Having seen to the care of his sister, he himself retired into solitude to live a life of prayer and fasting. Anthony is called the 'Father of monasticism' and rightly so, for countless millions have followed his example through the centuries.
Council of bishops
A second moment of reality came for Anthony when the bishops of the Church were gathered in the city of Alexandria. Despite the victory of the council of Nicea in AD 325, the Arian cause had grown in strength. This heresy claimed that Jesus was not truly God, but a mere creature.
Anthony, this unlettered man, saw differently, and claimed that the Arians 'did not differ from the heathens themselves who worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator'. Even the pagans rejoiced at his wisdom and he converted many back to the faith.
It was not uncommon for the great and the good to seek the advice and counsel of this holy man. In AD 337, Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor, wrote a letter to Anthony seeking his prayers. Anthony, seeing his fellow monks' surprise, said, 'Do not wonder that the emperor writes to us, a man even as I am; rather be astounded that God should have written to us, and that he has spoken to us by his Son'.
Face to face
The third moment of reality in the life of Anthony came at his death. His life had been long - 105 years no less. He had founded monastic settlements, and led many into a committed following of the Lord and Saviour whom he loved. But when the time came for him to die, he slipped away as if he were passing into sleep. He was not afraid. He looked forward to seeing the Son face to face. With his friends gathered round him, he distributed his few possessions, just as he had done eighty years before with the parental estate. 'Farewell, my children,' he said. 'Anthony is departing and will no longer be with you.' He stretched out his feet, and calmly ceased to breathe. The year was 356, and the date was 17 January.
A space to meet God
Two things I ask you to do as you consider this less well-known Anthony.
Firstly is to think of and pray for those men and women in the convents and monasteries up and down the country. Their way is no escape from life, for these are the people who have emerged from the cave, and they see for real.
Secondly - today - find a space in your life to meet the God who is Reality itself. This may mean rising early in order to pray, or stopping the car in a lay-by for ten minutes after work before heading home. Or it may mean switching off the box and its daily dose of 'reality', in order to pray together as a family. Whatever you do, seek to see the sun, and you will be following Anthony, the man who was for real.
This article first appeared in The Messenger (January 2005), a publication of the Irish Jesuits.
Friday of the First Week in Ordinary Time, Year 1
We all face the temptation to give up, disregard the word of God, or take his gifts for granted.
Good friends help us in our time of need. It was so with Jesus too.
Memorial of St Anthony, abbot, lived in solitude yet attracted many to follow him and was designated "father of monasticism'' d.356
A reading from the letter to the Hebrews 4:1-5. 11
We must therefore do everything we can to reach this place of rest.
Be careful, then: the promise of reaching the place of rest he had for them still holds good, and none of you must think that he has come too late for it. We received the Good News exactly as they did; but hearing the message did them no good because they did not share the faith of those who listened.
We, however, who have faith, shall reach a place of rest, as in the text: And so, in anger, I swore that not one would reach the place of rest I had for them. 'God's work was undoubtedly all finished at the beginning of the world;' as one text says, referring to the seventh day: After all his work God rested on the seventh day.
The text we are considering says: They shall not reach the place of rest I had for them.
We must therefore do everything we can to reach this place of rest, or some of you might copy this example of disobedience and be lost.
The Word of the Lord Thanks be to God
Responsorial Psalm Ps 77: 3-4, 6-8
Response Never forget the deeds of the Lord.
1. The things we have heard and understood, the things our fathers have told us
we will not hide from their children but will tell them to the next generation:
the glories of the Lord and his might and the marvellous deeds he has done. Response
2. They too should arise and tell their sons that they too should set their hope in God
and never forget God's deeds but keep every one of his commands. Response
3. So that they might not be like their fathers, a defiant and rebellious race,
a race whose heart was fickle, whose spirit was unfaithful to God Response
Gospel Acclamation Eph 1: 17. 18
Alleluia, alleluia!
May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our minds,
so that we can see what hope his call holds for us.
Or Lk 7: 1
Alleluia, Alleluia!
A great prophet has appeared among us; God has visited his people.
The Lord be with you. And with your spirit
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark 21:1-12 Glory to you, O Lord
The Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.
When Jesus returned to Capernaum some time later, word went round that he was back; and so many people collected that there was no room left, even in front of the door. He was preaching the word to them when some people came bringing him a paralytic carried by four men, but as the crowd made it impossible to get the man to him, they stripped the roof over the place where Jesus was; and when they had made an opening, they lowered the stretcher on which the paralytic lay.
Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic,
'My child, your sins are forgiven'.
Now some scribes were sitting there, and they thought to themselves,
'How can this man talk like that? He is blaspheming. Who can forgive sins but God?'
Jesus, inwardly aware that this was what they were thinking, said to them,
'Why do you have these thoughts in your hearts? Which of these is easier: to say to the paralytic, "Your sins are forgiven" or to say, "Get up, pick up your stretcher and walk"? But to prove to you that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,- he said to the paralytic- 'I order you: get up, pick up your stretcher, and go off home.'
And the man got up, picked up his stretcher at once and walked out in front of everyone, so that they were all astounded and praised God saying, 'We have never seen anything like this'.
The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Gospel Reflection 17 Jan, First Week in Ordinary Time Mark 2:1–12
It is often when we are in greatest need that we discover who are true friends are. We appreciate those who stand by us in difficult times, those who suffer with us when we suffer. We recognize such friends as a great treasure. The paralytic in today’s gospel reading seems to have had such friends. They were people of faith who cared enough for their friend to stop at nothing to bring him to Jesus. The great crowd around Jesus did not stop them from getting their friend to Jesus; even the roof above Jesus’ head did not stop them. Their faith in Jesus and their loving concern for their friend combined to create an opening in the roof, down through which they could lower their friend before Jesus. Jesus could not but respond to such an expression of indomitable faith.
It may surprise us that the first words Jesus spoke to the paralyzed man were not, ‘pick up your stretcher, and go off home’, but, ‘My child, your sins are forgiven’. Jesus recognized that his need for healing went deeper than his need to walk. He understood that the man needed to be assured that he was being embraced by God in love. Jesus brought him that deeper, spiritual, healing first, before healing his body. We all need healing of some kind, and, often it is our need for the deeper, spiritual, healing that is the more urgent. The good news is that the risen Lord always stands before us ready to say to us what he said to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven’; ‘You are deeply loved by God’; ‘God is drawing you to himself in love’. Sometimes, like the paralytic, we will need good friends, people of faith, to create an opening for us to hear those words from the Lord, to experience his liberating and healing presence.
The Scripture Readings are taken from The Jerusalem Bible, published 1966 by Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd and used with the permission of the publishers.
The Scripture Reflection is available with our thanks from Reflections on the Weekday Readings: Your word is a lamp for my feet and light for my path by Martin Hogan and published by Messenger Publications c/f
Sliocht as Litir chuig na Eabhraig 4:1-5. 11
Déanaimis ár ndícheall, mar sin, chun dul isteach san áitreabh suaimhnis sin.
Dá bhrí sin cé go seasann an gealltanas faoi dhul isteach ina áitreabh suaimhnis go fóill, bíodh imní orainn ar eagla go measfaí go bhfuil teipthe ar aon duine agaibh é a bhaint amach. Óir fógraíodh an dea-scéal dúinn díreach mar a fógraíodh dóibhsean é. Ach níorbh aon tairbhe dóibh an teachtaireacht a chuala siad de bhrí nach raibh siad aontaithe tríd an gcreideamh leis na daoine a thug cluas di. Ach sinne, a bhfuil an creideamh againn, táimidne ag dul isteach san áitreabh suaimhnis, faoi mar atá ráite aige: “Dá dheasca sin thug mé an mionn seo uaim le corp feirge: ‘Ní rachaidh siad isteach I m’áitreabh suaimhnis choíche.’”
Dúirt sé é sin bíodh go raibh deireadh le hobair Dé nuair a cruthaíodh an domhan. Óir déanann sé tagairt don seachtú lá in áit éigin mar a leanas:
“Stad Dia dá chuid oibre go léir ar an seachtú lá,” agus arís san abairt atá á plé againn deir sé:
“Ní rachaidh siad isteach i m’áitreabh suaimhnis choíche.”
Déanaimis ár ndícheall, mar sin, chun dul isteach san áitreabh suaimhnis sin ionas nach dteipfidh ar aon duine de dheasca an saghas céanna easumlaíochta.
Briathar an Tiarna Buíochas le Dia
Salm le Freagra Sm 77
Freagra Na déanaigí dearmad ar oibreacha Dé.
1. Na nithe ba chlos dúinn is ab eol duinn agus na nithe a d'inis ar n-aithreacha dúinn,
ní cheilfimid ar a gclann iad, ach inseoimid iad don ghlúin atá le teacht:
moltái an Tiarna is a chumhacht agus na míorúiltf a rinne sé. Freagra
2. Ionas go n-éirídís agus iad a insint dá gclann féin,i dtreo go gcuiridís a ndóchas I nDia
is nach ndéanaidfs dearmad ar oibreacha Dé, ach go gcoimeádaidís a aitheanta. Freagra
3. Ar eagla go mbeidís mar a n-aithreacha rompu ina nglúin easumhal easurramach,
glúin nach raibh a gcroí go díreach ná a n-intinn dílis do Dhia. Freagra
Go raibh an Tiarna libh. Agus le do spiorad féin
Sliocht as an Soiscéal naofa de réir Naomh Marcas 2:1-12 Glóir duit, a Thiarna.
Tá údarás ag Mac an Duine ar an talamh peacaí a mhaitheamh”
Roinnt laethanta ina dhiaidh sin, ar theacht ar ais go Cafarnáum d’ Íosa, fuarthas fios go raibh sé sa teach, agus bhí an oiread sin daoine cruinnithe ann nach raibh slí ann fiú amháin timpeall an dorais, agus bhí sé ag labhairt an bhriathair leo. Tháinig daoine ag tabhairt pairilisigh chuige ar iompar idir ceathrar. Nuair nárbh fhéidir leo teacht ina ghar mar gheall ar an slua, nocht siad an díon os a chionn, agus tar éis dóibh poll a dhéanamh, lig siad síos an tsráideog a raibh an pairiliseach ina luí inti.
Nuair a chonaic Íosa an creideamh a bhí acu, dúirt sé leis an bpairiliseach:
“A mhic, tá do pheacaí maite.”
Bhí cuid de na scríobhaithe ina suí ansiúd ag smaoineamh ina gcroí:
“Cad a bheir dó seo labhairt mar sin? Is diamhasla dó é.
Cé fhéadann peacaí a mhaitheamh ach amháin Dia?”
Ach thuig Íosa láithreach ina spiorad go raibh an smaoineamh sin ina n-aigne agus dúirt sé leo: “Cad a bheir na smaointe sin in bhur gcroí? Cé acu is fusa, a rá leis an bpairiliseach: ‘Tá do pheacaí maite,’ nó a rá: ‘Éirigh, tóg do shráideog, agus siúil’?
Ach chun go mbeadh a fhios agaibh go bhfuil údarás ag Mac an Duine ar an talamh peacaí a mhaitheamh” – dúirt sé leis an bpairiliseach: Deirim leat, éirigh, tóg do shráideog agus gabh abhaile.”
D’éirigh seisean agus thóg an tsráideog láithreach, agus d’imigh amach os comhair cách, ionas go raibh alltacht orthu uile agus gur thug siad glóir do Dhia á rá: “Ní fhacamar a leithéid seo riamh.”
Soiscéal an Tiarna. Moladh duit, a Chriost
© An Sagart
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C
The fulfilment of God's promise is compared to a wedding feast.
The wine that flows in plenty speaks of the joy of the kingdom.
Catholic Schools Week begins today
A reading from the book of the Prophet Isaiah 62:1-5
The bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will your God rejoice in you.
About Zion I will not be silent, about Jerusalem I will not grow weary,
until her integrity shines out like the dawn and her salvation flames like a torch.
The nations then will see your integrity, all the kings your glory,
and you will be called by a new name, one which the mouth of the Lord will confer.
You are to be a crown of splendour in the hand of the Lord,
a princely diadem in the hand of your God;
no longer are you to be named 'Forsaken', nor your land 'Abandoned',
but you shall be called 'My Delight' and your land 'The Wedded';
for the Lord takes delight in you and your land will have its wedding.
Like a young man marrying a virgin, so will the one who built you wed you, and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride,
so will your God rejoice in you.
The Word of the Lord Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Ps 95: 1-3, 7-10 R/ v 3
Response Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples.
1. O sing a new song to the Lord, sing to the Lord all the earth.
O sing to the Lord, bless his name. Response
2. Proclaim his help day by day, tell among the nations his glory
and his wonders among all the peoples. Response
3. Give the Lord, you families of peoples, give the Lord glory and power,
give the Lord the glory of his name. Response
4. Worship the Lord in his temple. O earth, tremble before him.
Proclaim to the nations: 'God is king.' He will judge the peoples in fairness. Response
A reading from the second letter of St Paul to the Corinthians 12:4-11
There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit.
There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit;
there are all sorts of service to be done, but always to the same Lord;
working in all sorts of different ways in different people,
it is the same God who is working in all of them.
The particular way in which the Spirit is given to each person is for a good purpose.
One may have the gift of preaching with wisdom given him by the Spirit;
another may have the gift of preaching instruction given him by the same Spirit;
and another the gift of faith given by the same Spirit;
another again the gift of healing, through this one Spirit; one, the power of miracles;
another, prophecy; another the gift of recognising spirits; another the gift of tongues and another the ability to interpret them.
All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, who distributes different gifts to different people just as he chooses.
The Word of the Lord Thanks be to God.
Gospel Acclamation Jn 6: 63
Alleluia, alleluia!
Your words are spirit and they are life: you have the message of eternal life.
Or 2 Thess 2: 14
Alleluia, alleluia!
Through the Good News God called us to share the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord be with you. And with your spirit
A reading from the holy Gospel according John 2:1-11 Glory to you, O Lord.
This was the first of the signs given by Jesus: it was given at Cana in Galilee.
There was a wedding at Cana in Galilee. The mother of Jesus was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited.
When they ran out of wine, since the wine provided for the wedding was all finished, the mother of Jesus said to him,
'They have no wine'.
Jesus said
'Woman, why turn to me? My hour has not come yet.'
His mother said to the servants, 'Do whatever he tells you.'
There were six stone water jars standing there, meant for the ablutions that are customary among the Jews: each could hold twenty or thirty gallons.
Jesus said to the servants,
'Fill the jars with water', and they filled them to the brim.
'Draw some out now' he told them 'and take it to the steward.'
They did this; the steward tasted the water, and it had turned into wine. Having no idea where it came from - only the servants who had drawn the water knew - the steward called the bridegroom and said;
'People generally serve the best wine first, and keep the cheaper sort till the guests have had plenty to drink;
but you have kept the best wine till now'.
This was the first of the signs given by Jesus: it was given at Cana in Galilee. He let his glory be seen, and his disciples believed in him.
The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
For homily resources for this Sunday's Gospel click here:
The scripture readings are taken from The Jerusalem Bible, published 1966 by Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd and used with the permission of the publishers.
Sliocht as Leabhar Fáidh Ísáia 62:1-5
Mar is cúis ghairdis a chéile don fhear nuaphósta, beidh tú féin i do chúis ghairdis ag do Dhia.
Ar mhaithe le Síón ní fhanfaidh mé i mo thost, agus mar gheall ar Iarúsailéim ní mian liom bheith socair,nó go dté a fíréantacht amach mar an maidneachan agus a slánú mar bheadh lóchrann ag lonrú.
Is ann a fheicfidh na ciníocha d’fhíréantacht agus na ríthe uile do ghlóir;
agus tabharfar ainm nua ort, ainm a fhógróidh béal an Tiarna féin.
Beidh tú i do choróin taibhseach i láimh an Tiarna, i do cheannbheart ríoga ar bhois do Dhé.
Ní déarfaidh siad 'Uaigneach' leat feasta, ná ní ghairfear 'Fásach' do do dhúiche.
Ach is é ainm a bheidh ort féin 'Bean mo rúin' agus 'an Céile' a bheidh ar do dhúiche.
Óir lig an Tiarna a rún leat agus gheobhaidh do dhúiche é mar chéile.
Díreach mar a phósann ógfhear cailín, is é an Saor féin a phósfaidh thusa;
agus mar is cúis ghairdis a chéile don fhear nuaphósta, beidh tú féin i do chúis ghairdis ag do Dhia.
Briathar an Tiarna Buíochas le Dia
Salm le Freagra Sm 95
Freagra Fógragí éachtaí an Tiarna do na náisiúin uile.
1. Canaigí amhrán nua don Tiarna; Canaigí don Tiarna, a thalamh go léir.
Canaigí don Tiarna agus molaigí a ainm. Freagra
2. Fógraígí a shlánú ó lá go lá. insígí a ghlóir i measc na gciníocha
agus a éachtaí do na náisiúin uile. Freagra
3. Luaigí leis an Tiarna, a chlanna na gciníocha, luaigí leis an Tiarna clú agus cumhacht,
luaigí leis an Tiarna glóir a ainm. Freagra
4. Tugaigí adhradh don Tiarna ina theampall. Bí ar crith ina láthair, a thalamh.
Fógraígí do na ciníocha: 'Tá an Tiarna ina Rí' Tabharfaidh sé breith chóir chothrom ar na daoine. Freagra
Sliocht as céad Litir Naomh Pól chuig na Coirintigh 12:4-11
Tá tíolacthaí difriúla ann ach an t-aon Spiorad amháin
A bhráithre, tá tíolacthaí difriúla ann ach an t-aon Spiorad amháin; tá feidhmeannais difriúla ann ach an t-aon Tiarna amháin; agus tá oibreacha difriúla ann ach is é an Dia céanna a bhíonn á n-oibriú go léir in gach ceann riamh acu. An léiriú a dhéantar ar an Spiorad in gach duine ar leith, is chun tairbhe an phobail mhóir é.
Mar shampla faigheann duine amháin labhairt go heagnaí ón Spiorad agus
faigheann duine eile labhairt go feasach ón Spiorad céanna.
Faigheann duine eile creideamh tríd an Spiorad céanna, agus
duine eile buanna leighis tríd an aon Spiorad.
Faigheann duine eile cumas míorúiltí agus duine eile fós bua na tairngreachta agus duine eile arís na spioraid a aithint ó chéile.
Bíonn teangacha éagsúla ag duine amháin agus míniú teangacha ag duine eile.
Ach is é an Spiorad ceanann céanna a bhíonn ag oibriú sna tíolacthaí seo uile agus é ag dáil ar gachm duine faoi leith de réir mar is áil leis féin.
Briathar an Tiarna Buíochas le Dia
Alleluia Véarsa Eo 17: 17
Alleluia, alleluia!
Is fírinne do bhriathar. Déan sinn a naomhú san fhírinne.
Go raibh an Tiarna libh. Agus le do spiorad féin
Iocht as an Soiscéal naofa de réir Naomh Eoin 2:1-11 Glóir duit, a Thiarna.
Rinne Íosa an chéad cheann sin dá chomharthaí i gCána sa Ghailíl
San am sin bhí pósadh i gCána sa Ghailíl agus bhí máthair Íosa ann. Fuair Íosa cuireadh chun an phósta freisin, agus a dheisceabail. Chuaigh den fhíon agus dúirt a mháthair le Íosa: “Níl aon fhíon acu.”
Dúirt Íosa léi:
“Cad ab áil leat díom, a bhean? Níl m’uairse tagtha fós.”
Dúirt a mháthair leis an lucht freastail:
“Déanaigí cibé ní a déarfaidh sé libh.”
Bhí sé soithí cloiche ansiúd le haghaidh íonghlanadh de réir nós na nGiúdach; choinneoidís a dó nó a trí de mheadair an ceann. Dúirt Íosa leo:
“Líonaigí na soithí suas le huisce.”
Agus líon siad go béal iad.
Dúirt sé leo:
“Tarraingígí as feasta agus beirigí go dtí máistir na fleá é.”
Rug siad, agus nuair a bhlais máistir na fleá an t-uisce ina fhíon, agus gan a fhios aige cár tháinig sé as (bhí a fhios, áfach, ag an lucht freastail a tharraing an t-uisce) ghlaoigh an máistir ar an bhfear nuaphósta, agus dúirt leis:
“Cuireann gach duine an fíon maith ar an gclár ar dtús agus nuair a bhíonn siad ar meisce, an dara grád.
Ach choinnigh tusa an fíon maith go dtí anois.”
Rinne Íosa an chéad cheann sin dá chomharthaí i gCána sa Ghailíl, agus thaispeáin sé a ghlóir agus chreid a dheisceabail ann. Ansin chuaigh sé síos go Cafarnáum, é féin agus a mháthair agus a bhráithre agus a dheisceabail agus d’fhan siad ann beagán laethanta.
Soiscéal an Tiarna. Moladh duit, a Chriost
© An Sagart