St. Malachy's, Armagh

54 Irish St    BT61 7EP

Phone: +44 28 3751 0516
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Thank you for joining us via our Church webcam to celebrate in our Masses. This is an act of Spiritual Communion that you may wish to offer when Holy Communion is being received at Mass. My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.  Amen.



- Journeying with the Holy Spirit: “Signs of Hope - The...


Schedule for 24/03/2025 to 30/03/2025
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Journeying with the Holy Spirit: “Signs of Hope - The Youth” with speaker Dermot Kelly and Mass celebrated by Fr Barry Matthews.
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Prayer Service
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Sunday Mass
Sunday Mass
Times in red are scheduled for recording
All recording requests must be made in advance, directly with the parish.
All times are in your local Timezone - . Current Time:

Watch Videos

Sunday Mass 09:30 23-03-2025
Life in the Spirit: “We will be saved by His life” Romans 5:19 with...
Sunday Mass 09:30 16-03-2025
Life in the Spirit: “Hope does not disappoint” - Romans 5:5 with...
Sunday Mass 09:30 09-03-2025
Sunday Mass 09:30 02-03-2025
Sunday Mass 09:30 23-02-2025
Sunday Mass 09:30 16-02-2025
Sunday Mass 09:30 09-02-2025
Sunday Mass 09:30 02-02-2025
Sunday Mass 09:30 26-01-2025
Sunday Mass 09:30 19-01-2025
Sunday Mass 09:30 12-01-2025
Sunday Mass 09:30 05-01-2025
Sunday Mass 09:30 29-12-2024
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Mass of Thanksgiving 20:00 27-04-2022
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Summary with Bernie Fox 20:00 06-04-2022
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Transformation in Christ with Bishop Michael...
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Growth with Fr Peter Okpetu 20:00 23-03-2022
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Baptism in the Spirit with Fr Gerry Campbell...
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Receiving Gods Gifts with Lynette McShane...
Life in the Spirit Seminar - The New Life with Lorraine Quigley 20:00...
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Salvation with Archbishop Eamon Martin 20:00...
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Gods Love with Deacon John Taaffe 20:00...
Daily Mass with guest speaker Sr Ann Lyng
Daily Mass with guest speaker Marian Bradley
Daily Mass with guest speaker, Chris Kerr
Daily Mass with guest speaker, Nuala McCormick