Our Lady of the Annunciation Bishop Eton
Woolton Rd, Liverpool L16 8NQ
Please note that there will be no noon Mass on Monday 17th March - Fr Dickinson's funeral will take place at 10.30am
Permission to reprint, podcast, and / or stream the music in our services has been obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-740565 and CCLI licences 2346510 and 21167. All rights reservedOur Limited online music licence is OLE-00000029749
Thanks to Mike Anderson mikeanderson.net for permission to use his hymnsLive
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11:55 - Mass
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Mass 11:55 12-03-2025

Early Morning Lenten Mass 06:55 12-03-2025

Requiem Mass: Peter Lambe RIP 11:55 10-03-2025

6pm Mass 17:55 09-03-2025

8.30 Mass 08:25 09-03-2025

Mass 11:55 07-03-2025

Mass with distribution of Ashes 11:55 05-03-2025

Early Morning Lenten Mass with Ashes 06:55 05-03-2025

Requiem Mass: Mary Quirk RIP 11:55 03-03-2025

6pm Mass 17:55 02-03-2025

8.30 Mass 08:25 02-03-2025

Mass 11:55 28-02-2025

Requiem Mass: Margaret Bailey RIP 11:55 26-02-2025

Mass 11:55 24-02-2025

6pm Mass 17:55 23-02-2025

8.30 Mass 08:25 23-02-2025

Mass 11:55 21-02-2025

Requiem Mass: Bridget (Bridie) Glennon RIP 11:55 19-02-2025

Mass 11:55 17-02-2025

6pm Mass 17:55 16-02-2025

8.30 Mass 08:25 16-02-2025

Mass 11:55 14-02-2025

Mass 11:55 12-02-2025

Requiem Mass: Thomas Chadwick RIP 11:55 10-02-2025

Mass 11:55 07-02-2025

Requiem Mass: Joan Moran RIP 11:55 05-02-2025

Mass 11:55 03-02-2025

6pm Mass 17:55 02-02-2025

8.30 Mass 08:25 02-02-2025

Requiem Mass: Francis Kelly RIP 11:55 31-01-2025

Stations of the Cross

Easter Vigil 20:25 30-03-2024

Requiem Brother William McDermott C.Ss.R RIP 28-02-2023