Parish of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fatima, Rialto Parish
500 South Circular Road, Rialto, Dublin. D08 CY61
Mass on Holy Days 10.00am; Rosary: Monday to Friday after 10.00am Mass; Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal After the 10am Mass on Mondays; Confessions, on request any time. Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament and Adoration every Thursday morning after 10.00am Mass.
We share our church with THE SYRO MALABAR CATHOLIC CHURCH from India.
Our parish church is available to non-parishioners wishing to get married in the Catholic faith.
A selection of signed Mass cards and Mass bouquets are available for various occasions from the sacristy.

- Week day Mass followed by Exposition of the Blessed...
Watch Videos
Syro Malabar Holy Qurbana 11:30 23-03-2025
Sunday Mass 10:30 23-03-2025
Vigil Mass for Sunday 19:00 22-03-2025

Syro Malabar Holy Qurbana 11:30 23-03-2025

Sunday Mass 10:30 23-03-2025

Vigil Mass for Sunday 19:00 22-03-2025