Church of Mary Immaculate, Stranorlar, Donegal
Main Street, Stranorlar F93 AVN0
Recordings of Masses, Month's Mind's, Anniversaries, Weddings etc must be requested in advance because the system only stores prearranged records. All requests should be made to either of the following [email protected] or [email protected] Funerals are recorded automatically unless the family do not wish so.
7.30 a.m. Morning Mass for Lent
Daily Mass - Monday
7.30 a.m. Morning Mass for Lent - Solemnity of The Annunciation of the Lord (March 25th)
10 a.m. Mass on the Solemnity of The Annunciation of the Lord (March 25th)
7.30 a.m. Morning Mass for Lent
Daily Mass - Wednesday
7.30 a.m. Morning Mass for Lent
Daily Mass - Thursday
7.30 a.m. Morning Mass for Lent
Daily Mass - Friday
Daily Mass - Saturday
6 p.m. Vigil Mass for the 4th Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)
9 a.m. Monthly Family Mass - 4th Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)
11 o'clock Sunday Mass - 4th Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)

7.30 a.m. Morning Mass for Lent
Daily Mass - Monday
7.30 a.m. Morning Mass for Lent - Solemnity of The Annunciation of the Lord (March 25th)
10 a.m. Mass on the Solemnity of The Annunciation of the Lord (March 25th)
7.30 a.m. Morning Mass for Lent
Daily Mass - Wednesday
7.30 a.m. Morning Mass for Lent
Daily Mass - Thursday
7.30 a.m. Morning Mass for Lent
Daily Mass - Friday
Daily Mass - Saturday
6 p.m. Vigil Mass for the 4th Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)
9 a.m. Monthly Family Mass - 4th Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)
11 o'clock Sunday Mass - 4th Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)
Watch Videos
11 o'clock Mass for the Solemnity of St. Patrick, Bishop and Patron Saint...
11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Pat Harrold, Glenfin Road, Ballybofey...
11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Lucy McCafferty, Admiran Park,...
11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Hugh Walsh, Chapel Street, Stranorlar...
11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Margaret Walsh (née Leeper), Chapel...
Healing Mass with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick 15:00...
Mass for the happy repose of the Soul of R.L. Haney, Upper West side, New...
11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Darius McAteer, Admiran Park,...
11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Josephine Doherty, Drumboe Cottages,...
11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Patsy Duffy, Ard Mc Cool, Stranorlar...
11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late John Kelly, The Glebe, Stranorlar...
11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Jack Kelly, Glebe, Stranorlar R.I.P....
7.30 p.m. Month's Mind Mass for the late Josie McBride (née Hogan),...
11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late John Antony Quinn, Curraghamone,...
11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Kathleen Glackin (née McMenamin),...
11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Jimmy Anderson, Tyrcallen, Stranorlar...
Ordination to Diaconate of Anthony Hartnett 14:55 24-09-2023
Sr. Nuala's Golden Jubilee Mass 11:00 04-09-2022
Requiem Mass for the late Hugh Moss, Blackrock Drive, Ballybofey and...
Requiem Mass for the late Maura Patton (née Sweeney), Mullindrait,...
Requiem Mass for the late Michael (Mick) Kelly, Blackrock Drive,...
Mass to Celebrate transferring to the New Scoil Mhuire / St. Mary's...
Easter Vigil 20:55 16-04-2022
Requiem Mass for the late Maureen Temple (née Flanagan), Tyrcallen,...
Sunday Mass - Funeral of the Late Billy Henderson, Chapel Close 10:55...
Requiem Mass for the late Patsy Devlin, Glenfin Road, Ballybofey...
Requiem Mass for the late Margaret Lafferty (née Boyle), Lower Main...
Requiem Mass for the late Derick (Day) Reid, Ballinamona, Ballybofey ...
Requiem Mass for the late Seamus Lafferty, Barley Hill, Railway Road,...
Requiem Mass for the late Denis Bonnar, Drumboe Lower, Stranorlar 12:55...
Requiem Mass for the late Willie Browne, Donegal Road, Ballybofey

11 o'clock Mass for the Solemnity of St. Patrick, Bishop and Patron Saint...

11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Pat Harrold, Glenfin Road, Ballybofey...

11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Lucy McCafferty, Admiran Park,...

11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Hugh Walsh, Chapel Street, Stranorlar...

11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Margaret Walsh (née Leeper), Chapel...

Healing Mass with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick 15:00...

Mass for the happy repose of the Soul of R.L. Haney, Upper West side, New...

11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Darius McAteer, Admiran Park,...

11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Josephine Doherty, Drumboe Cottages,...

11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Patsy Duffy, Ard Mc Cool, Stranorlar...

11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late John Kelly, The Glebe, Stranorlar...

11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Jack Kelly, Glebe, Stranorlar R.I.P....

7.30 p.m. Month's Mind Mass for the late Josie McBride (née Hogan),...

11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late John Antony Quinn, Curraghamone,...

11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Kathleen Glackin (née McMenamin),...

11 o'clock Requiem Mass for the late Jimmy Anderson, Tyrcallen, Stranorlar...

Ordination to Diaconate of Anthony Hartnett 14:55 24-09-2023

Sr. Nuala's Golden Jubilee Mass 11:00 04-09-2022

Requiem Mass for the late Hugh Moss, Blackrock Drive, Ballybofey and...

Requiem Mass for the late Maura Patton (née Sweeney), Mullindrait,...

Requiem Mass for the late Michael (Mick) Kelly, Blackrock Drive,...

Mass to Celebrate transferring to the New Scoil Mhuire / St. Mary's...

Easter Vigil 20:55 16-04-2022

Requiem Mass for the late Maureen Temple (née Flanagan), Tyrcallen,...

Sunday Mass - Funeral of the Late Billy Henderson, Chapel Close 10:55...

Requiem Mass for the late Patsy Devlin, Glenfin Road, Ballybofey...

Requiem Mass for the late Margaret Lafferty (née Boyle), Lower Main...

Requiem Mass for the late Derick (Day) Reid, Ballinamona, Ballybofey ...

Requiem Mass for the late Seamus Lafferty, Barley Hill, Railway Road,...

Requiem Mass for the late Denis Bonnar, Drumboe Lower, Stranorlar 12:55...

Requiem Mass for the late Willie Browne, Donegal Road, Ballybofey